Windows tracks can be notoriously difficult to keep clean. They collect dust, dirt, and debris easily, and can be tough to reach when it comes time to clean them. But with a little time and effort, you can get your window tracks looking as good as new—here’s how.

Step One: Vacuum Out the Loose Dirt and Debris – The first step in cleaning your window tracks is vacuuming the loose dirt and debris. This will help remove most of the grime and make the next steps easier. Use a soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to not scratch or damage the tracks.

Step Two: Wipe Down the Tracks with a Damp Cloth – Once you’ve vacuumed out the loose dirt and debris, it’s time to wipe down the tracks with a damp cloth. A microfiber cloth works well for this step. You may need to use a mild cleaner or scrub brush if there are any tough stains. Be sure to rinse away any cleaner entirely so it doesn’t damage your windows.

Step Three: Dry the Tracks Completely – After you’ve wiped down the tracks, dry them completely. This will help prevent rusting and further build-up of dirt and debris. A soft cloth or paper towel should do the trick. Once they’re dry, you’re done! Your window tracks should now be clean and free of any build-up.

Cleaning your window tracks doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a little time and effort, you can have them look like new in no time at all.